400G Finned-Top OSFP to QSFP-DD DAC Passive Copper Cable, 0.5 - 3 m

Universal Direct Attached Cable (DAC), 0.5 - 3 m
Use FLEXBOX in combination with FLEXSOX to configure to almost any vendor
Finned-Top OSFP to QSFP-DD
PAM4 modulated signal
Supported Datarate 425.04 Gbit/s
Modules are permanently attached to each end
Low power consumption < 0.2 W (less than 0.1 W per terminal)
Connect different host systems by configuring each side individually
  • Twinax
  • 0.5m - 3m
  • 425.04 G
  • 400G ETH
Selection "S2":
Country of Origin
Vietnam and
Part number

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Compliance Code DAC
Form Factor OSFP to QSFP-DD
Interface Direct Attached Cable
Length 3 m
Temperature Range 0°C - 70°C
Bandwidth 425.04 Gbit/s
Digital Diagnostic Management (DDM) not implemented
Power Consumption 0.2 W (0.1 W + 0.1 W)
CDR none
Modulation PAM4
Supported Protocols 400G Ethernet

Transceiver Configuration with FLEXBOX

It's that easy to use
Insert Transceiver into FLEXBOX
1. Insert Into FLEXBOX
Select and Configure
2. Select And Configure
  • Choose vendor and compatibility
  • Press play
  • Configuration only takes a few seconds
Use with Device
3. Use With Device
  • Use the transceiver in your device. That's it!
  • Need it for another device? - Re-configure it again and again


All trademarks, registered companies & references cited are the sole property of their respective company and are used solely to assist in the identification of products.

  • MSA Standard compatible
Your vendor / compatibility is missing?

What customers say

Your FLEXBOX rocks. On our Linux workstations we can easily change the vendor and thus save costs. In addition, we are also convinced by the product quality, the support and the handling of the order. Thank you!
Martin Verges Managing director, croit GmbH

You guys rock! I have had the opportunity to use the previous version of FLEXBOX with my previous company. I cannot believe the progress you have made just in a year. Battery pack? Mobile reconfiguration? I am truly feeling lucky to have met you guys at Cloudfest. I will be honoured to demonstrate your products to startups as great examples to contribute to tech sustainability.

Murat Aybars Founder / Ideatomy
The FLEXBOX was easy to set up and use, and the programmable transceivers worked seamlessly in several different brand devices. This will make our spares much easier to manage.
Shaun James Engineering Inspector, Tata Steel Strip Products UK

The flexbox has been an amazing tool for our Equinix AM5 deployments, we have used many brands previously however the flexbox was superior right from the start, especially when working in the datacenter and not needing to hold my laptop in my hand but my phone, which is just amazing for rapid deployments.

Looking forward to keep using the flexbox in the future! :)

Stan van de Klippe Chief Executive Officer-royalehosting.net