Jun 16, 2019 - Jun 20, 2019 | Tallinn, Estonia

This time we'll be at the TNC19 held at the Tallinn Creative Hub (Kultuurikatel) in Tallinn, Estonia from June 16th to June 20th.
Feel like dropping by for a cup of coffee or a chat? Let us know at meetus@flexoptix.net and we'll have something arranged.
For a detailed event schedule, sign-up and further information visit https://tnc19.geant.org
About TNC19:
TNC is the largest and most prestigious European research and education networking conference. TNC19, the conference’s 35th edition, will be hosted by EENet of HITSA, the Estonian Education and Research Network, and will be held in Tallinn, Estonia’s capital city.
This year’s conference theme, Forging Digital Societies, is inspired by two main concepts: the idea that computer networks, by supporting human interactions, help to create and forge digital societies is combined with the innovative model of Estonia’s e-residency programme.