Wideband / Broadband Singlefiber (BiDi) Transceiver S.B1312.10.xDL(I)

The most popular wavelengths for singlefiber transmissions (bidirectional) are 1490nm/1550nm/1310nm. Combinations like 1490nm/1310nm or 1550nm/1310nm are frequently used for short distances below 40km.Sometimes it is difficult to select the proper singlefiber wavelength pair. Just imagine you have a project where either 1490nm or 1550nm as transmit-wavelenths are used. Do I really need to stock both counterparts and do all the logistic for these transceivers?
Flexoptix designed a bidirectional singlefiber transceiver which fits exactely in this usecase. We implemented a wideband / broadband receiver with a wavelength-range of 1490nm - 1550nm in this special transceiver type. This helps you to cover different types with only one transceiver (examples in table below).This transceiver also belongs to Flexoptix' Universal Transceiver Familiy. This gives you the ability to use them in different wavelengths AND in different devices. ()
Site A | Site B |
(Tx1550/Rx1310) | (Tx1310/Rx1490-1550)
(Tx1310/Rx1490-1550) |
(Tx1550/Rx1310) - SC | |
(Tx1490/Rx1310) | |
(Tx1490/Rx1310) | |
(Tx1550/Rx1310) - Ind. | (Tx1310/Rx1490-1550)
(Tx1310/Rx1490-1550) |
(Tx1490/Rx1310) - Ind. |