The 100G QSFP28 transceiver comparison

There are different variants for QSFP28 form factor available. Depending on your cabling and application you need to chose the right option. To make it easier we created an overview with all the different variants. (without Active-Optical-Cables and Direct-Attached-Cables)
 housing_16_qsfp28_std_lc_1  housing_69_qsfp28_std_mpo_1

The main difference between Q.161HG.x and Q.85/131HG.x is the connector type. QSFP28 like Q.161HG.x do have an integrated LAN-WDM Mux/Demux which multiplexes all 4 lanes to only one fiber. The same for Q.161HG.x.C/CL but with CWDM Mux/Demux. This gives the ability to use a LC-Duplex connector with a standard Multimode- or Singlemode-Fiber.
QSFP28 with MTP/MPO connector are more price sensitive. There is just a cabling with MTP/MPO cables needed.

Description/ Connector Distance Wavelength Connector Details Interoperability  Types
QSFP28 SR4 70m (OM3) 100m (OM4) 4 x 850nm MTP/MPO IEEE 802.3ba (100GBASE-SR4) SFP28 SR

(Eth, OTU4, FC)
QSFP28 PIR4 2km (G.652) 4 x 1310nm MTP/MPO 4 x 25/28G operations on SMF SFP28 LR Q.131HG.2
QSFP28 IR4/LR4 lite 2km (G.652) 1295.56nm, 1300.05nm, 1304.58nm, 1309.14nm LC 4-Channel LAN-WDM Mux/Demux inside  QSFP28 LR4
(Eth, OTU4, FC)
QSFP28 CWDM4/CLR4 2km (G.652) 1271nm, 1291nm, 1311nm, 1331nm LC IEEE 802.3ba (100GBASE-CWDM4)4-Channel CWDM Mux/Demux inside CWDM SFP28
(Host with FEC required) Q.161HG.2.CL
QSFP28 LR4 10km (G.652) 1295.56nm, 1300.05nm, 1304.58nm, 1309.14nm LC IEEE 802.3ba (100GBASE-LR4)4-Channel LAN Mux/Demux inside SFP28 LR QSFP28 IR4

(Eth, OTU4, FC)
QSFP28 CLR4+ 10km (G.652) 1271nm, 1291nm, 1311nm, 1331nm LC 4-Channel CWDM Mux/Demux inside QSFP28 CWDM4 SFP28 CWDM Q.161HG.10.CL
QSFP28 ER4 lite 25km (G.652) 1295.56nm, 1300.05nm, 1304.58nm, 1309.14nm LC 4-Channel LAN Mux/Demux inside QSFP28 LR4 SFP28 LR
(Eth, OTU4, FC)

(Tx Optimized)
Note: a QSFP28 LR4 is interoperable with a QSFP28 LR4. I didn't mention this in the columen "interoperability" for a better overview. This applies to all other types as well.
From a technical point of view a "split operation" is possible with all QSFP28 mentioned above. QSFP28 get always 4 x 25G/28G from the host on the electrical side. Only the programming of the transceiver needs to be adapted for the host. On the optical path you have to check how to split up the signal in 4 dedicated 25G/28G lines. For the ones with MTP/MPO receptacle this is not a problem with Breakout-cables.
For connecting to SFP28 please have a look on the available SFP28 transceivers.



Kiril Kiril January 8, 2018 at 02:59

Why qsfp28 ER 40km is not yet available on the market? do you (industry) have plans to do DWDM qsfp28 ( 4*25G each channel fixed DWDM channel, at least 10-20km model)?


Kiril Kiril March 25, 2018 at 04:40

Hi, any DWDM QSFP28 coming soon, this year? distance?


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